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Control centre - saving track assignments

  • Dan Grimmond
  • Autor
4 Jahre 5 Monate her #92 von Dan Grimmond
Dan Grimmond antwortete auf Control centre - saving track assignments
many thanks, have emailed

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  • Super User
4 Jahre 5 Monate her #91 von Super User
Super User antwortete auf Control centre - saving track assignments
Could you please provide your contact details to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! ? A developer will get in contact with you directly to look into this more in detail.
Thank you!

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  • Dan Grimmond
  • Autor
4 Jahre 5 Monate her #90 von Dan Grimmond
Dan Grimmond antwortete auf Control centre - saving track assignments
Hi super user,

Thanks for the suggestion,
I have tried that, I saw the new filenames created in projector settings when I exited live but it still did not remember the track assignment when I reloaded live again.

What I have found is that it I have just one laser connected it will remember that setting, either new shownet internal or older external shownet,
As soon as a second laser is plugged in it doesn't remember the setting of the second card, even though I see the new file created. I tried different ip addresses too (I am using fixed) I guess the software allocates the card numbers to the license number of the shownet interface in order lowest first? - ie we have no control over which laser is allocated to which card.

any other suggestions? I am going to purchase a third laser in the next 2-3 weeks, it will be interesting to see what happens then, but for now 'I am still stuck

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  • Super User
4 Jahre 5 Monate her - 4 Jahre 5 Monate her #89 von Super User
Super User antwortete auf Control centre - savingc track assignments
OK, checked with the developer. He assumes that some assignment may have becomme bugous in the settings that prevents from saving. The preservation of settings is a standard features of the software for very long time and usually does not make any problems.
To get you sorted, please try this:
- Please delete the Content of the folder "Projectorsetting" that resides in the folder "Showcontroller" on your desktop.
- Start LIVE and set the routing as you prefer.
- Close LIVE.
- Then check for the above mentioned folder and see what's inside it (it is automatically recreated if deleted). It should now contain three newly created files.
There should be one File for each Card. The Routing is only saved for connected Cards.

With reopening LIVE it' supposed have saved everything as it should.

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  • Dan Grimmond
  • Autor
4 Jahre 5 Monate her #88 von Dan Grimmond
Dan Grimmond antwortete auf Control centre - saving track assignments
thanks super user,

I have some more information after doing tests: it remembers the track assignment if I make a change to the laser device using the old shownet interface but not the newer ds2000 with the inbuild ethernet adapter

let me know if you need me to try anything else

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  • Super User
4 Jahre 5 Monate her #87 von Super User
Super User antwortete auf Control centre - savingc track assignments
OK, will get the developer to have a look at this. He will feedback later

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