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AKAI40 MKII and MIDI question

  • samuel
  • Autor
1 Jahr 8 Monate her #268 von samuel
samuel antwortete auf AKAI40 MKII and MIDI question
Hi Thank for your feedback.
in this case, in next version, will we be able to organize some scenes or bank ? For example, move bank 7 to bank 3 ?

At this time, we can move a scene by copy / past in scene windows but it is not easy.

Could you modify both "nudge+" and "nudge- " assignments in the Live module in next version?
Theses keys increase or decrease BPM but the two keys are unversed.

but in general the affection is fine.


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  • Showcontroller Support
1 Jahr 8 Monate her #267 von Showcontroller Support
Showcontroller Support antwortete auf AKAI40 MKII and MIDI question
Hi Samuel,

alle hard-coded Akai Devices will not use the TeachIn. To switch Banks you need to know that we plan to add more than the 10 Banks which exists now. This Time i also have no good Idea how to Switch Banks with the APC Series if there are more then 10. Maybe you or an othe one has one ? The old APC40 MK1 can use Shift-Bank Button.
Shift+ Bank1 = Bank 6

In my Eyes the old APC40 MK1 ist a very stable Device to contoll, better than the new "Plasticboxes" . I always look the other Midi Devices in a Price Range up to 300€ to support them as hardcoded Version.

The TeachIn is only for "no Akai Devices". Theese ones also have no LED Feedback.
We are still working on the Software but because of some greater Changes the next update will still need Time because a Change of the Fileformat. Older Showfiles will be converted by the new Version.

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  • samuel
  • Autor
1 Jahr 8 Monate her #264 von samuel
AKAI40 MKII and MIDI question wurde erstellt von samuel

I am testing APC40MKII on Live. button assignment is well.
To change the bank scene, there are 6 " scene launch" buttons on APC40. It's good for banks between 1 to 6. But I can not access bank numbers between 6 to 10.

It is possible to switch banks with APC bank select but this method is too slow when you want to switch bank 1 to bank 6. Intensity light of the bank button is not the same when we are on banks between 1-5 and between 6-10 therefore, l'APC knows when we switch on two banks categories.

Do you know how we can select all of the banks ?

In the Midi Mapping windows , messages and new touch affectation is not done. Is this window active ?

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