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Target Scanner in TrickFilm window -- v0.99 B 4.2.2022

  • samuel
  • Autor
2 Jahre 4 Monate her #278 von samuel
Thank you for your message.
If we only open scene window, TrickFilm still appears to scanner 2 and output is correct.

Only when we set trickFilm properties

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  • Showcontroller Support
2 Jahre 4 Monate her #277 von Showcontroller Support
Showcontroller Support antwortete auf Target Scanner in TrickFilm window -- v0.99 B 4.2.2022
Hello Samuel,

known Bug and already fixed. But the Output should apper to Scanner 2 until you reopen the Dialog ?

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  • samuel
  • Autor
2 Jahre 4 Monate her - 2 Jahre 4 Monate her #276 von samuel
There is an issue when we want to select the target scanner in the TrickFilm window.
So far, I had only one scanner and no issue.
Now I have two scanners. We can have 2 trickfilms on the scene ( for example the first TrickFilm to scanner 1 and the second TrickFilm to scanner 2 ).
But If you re open the trickFilm affected to target scanner 2, This trickFilm is re affected to scanner 1 automatically.

If we aren't careful, all trickfilms on this scene are now affected to scanner 1 only.

Do you understand what I am trying to describe ?

Thank you and have a good day


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