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PicEdit changing active point order

  • Showcontroller Support
1 Jahr 11 Monate her #384 von Showcontroller Support
Showcontroller Support antwortete auf PicEdit changing active point order
simple Sorting is not possible.
The best way making Frames Laser-optimized is always doing this by Hand. The
Tracers "Sort" Function (you checked this Option on ? ) is trying to sort in a fixes way but this is not always the best.

Maybe you can send the Bitmapt to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! and i can take a look at it.

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  • Vincent
  • Autor
1 Jahr 11 Monate her #383 von Vincent
PicEdit changing active point order wurde erstellt von Vincent
Hello, I imported a .PIC that i made with Tracer from a image that i want to use with my laser to PicEdit and i'm trying to modify the order of the active point. My problem is that my .PIC is the word ''SONO'' and the laser display the N first then the S then the O ... and it blink a lot. But I cannot find a way to change it.
Thanks for your response.

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