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Control Real Time by DMX

  • Stephan
2 Jahre 7 Monate her #263 von Stephan
Stephan antwortete auf Control Real Time by DMX
Anybody ??? Anything ??

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  • Stephan
2 Jahre 7 Monate her #262 von Stephan
Stephan antwortete auf Control Real Time by DMX
Hi i want to add my question to this topic as well. Im planning to buy the showcontroller but im not sure if the software suits my needs. I am Using Soundswitch to DMX control my lighting gear and L8 as a visualizer for programming my shows. As far as laser goes i owner of a CS 1000 MK I with a external shownet interface and the Laserworld DMX Adapter. For now SS just controls the Shownet in standalone mode. And im using the fixtures which are on the sd card.
But for the fututre i want to control the Showcontroller via DMX with Soundswitch and i want to be able to visualize everything at L8 while im programming. The Support of Laserworld already told me that the L8 support is planned but because of the war it might take a while till L8 is implemented in the latest version of showcontroller which is fine to me. As far as i understand a visulazation is only possible in the real time mode of the show controller but not in the live mode. This is a bit problematic to me because in my opinion the live mode is easier to be controlled via dmx by a software like soundswitch since it has clear predefined channels. So i can simply ask the soundswitch support to create a new fixture and telling them channel 1 = scene; channel 2 = bank; and so on .... ). But as i said there is no visualizer support in live modus so i have to use the solution you gave here for the real time mode. The problem i see is that soundswitch wont be able to create a proper fixture to control showcontroller in real time mode. Because the DMX channels are not predefined anymore they change based on the timeline i program. For your demo it was Channel 1 = blackout Channel 2 = fixture one and so on. Sure, I could tell Soundswitch to create a fixture witch 20 channels and tell them channel 1 = scene 1; channel 2 = scene 2; and so on. That would give me the ability to control 20 different scenes and view them in L8. But i don`t have control of color size and the other parameters i normally would have in live mode. So its not ideal.

Do i get anything wrong ? Are there any suggestions for a proper use of Showcontroller with SoundSwitch and Visualizer software ?

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  • Fernando López Olivas
  • Autor
3 Jahre 3 Monate her #206 von Fernando López Olivas
Fernando López Olivas antwortete auf Control Real Time by DMX

I tested and it works fine!!!

I can control laser loops in the timeline and can control the sliders in the Touch Screen Live controller too. That´s great for intensity and pan&tilt values. It doesn´t have the same posibilities for control that with real time app, but for this proyect can do the job.

I think that a great update for next realease will be add external visualization support to Live app like in Real Time app (It´s much easier to set up and can control more parameters as color, etc)

Thank you for you support.

Best regards.


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  • Fernando López Olivas
  • Autor
3 Jahre 3 Monate her #205 von Fernando López Olivas
Fernando López Olivas antwortete auf Control Real Time by DMX

You are amazing!!!

I will try tomorrow when I come back to the studio.
And I will try to do by midi too.

Chamsys can send midi commands and channels using a generic midi head fixture.

If I’ve got any quedtions, I will send you a mail.

Best regards.


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  • Showcontroller Support
3 Jahre 3 Monate her - 3 Jahre 3 Monate her #204 von Showcontroller Support
Showcontroller Support antwortete auf Control Real Time by DMX
Hello Fernando,
hope this short Video is helpful:

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  • Showcontroller Support
3 Jahre 3 Monate her #203 von Showcontroller Support
Showcontroller Support antwortete auf Control Real Time by DMX
Hello Fernando,

i am not sure but i think Chamsys can send Midi. If you are able to connect Midi to the PC running Realtime the Way is easy. Otherwise i will try to find a DMX Solution.

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