Copyright 2025 - Laserworld Showcontroller - professional laser control software

1.4 Supported hardware for Showcontroller

Showcontroller Hardware
The basic version of Showcontroller support the very common Laserworld ShowNet network interface.

Showcontroller PLUS Hardware
Showcontroller PLUS supports a larger number of additional hardware interfaces.

Some examples:
- Laserworld ShowNet
- Easylase LC
- Easylase II
- Netlase LC
- Netlase 3+1 / 5+1
- various others

This covers the complete range of basic USB to high end LAN output interfaces. All Interfaces support DMX in/out.

Installation of theLaserworld ShowNet interface
The Laserworld ShowNet interface has many features and different operation modes. Detailled installation and configuration instructions can be found in the ShowNet interface, which can be downloaded here:

Installation of USB hardware interfaces
There are signed drivers available for all supported USB DACs and for all supported Windows versions.

The respective drivers are on the driver CD provided with the interface

The jmlaser drivers for Easylase II / Easylase LC / nano can be found in the default data folder that has usually been installed to the Desktop, in the subfolder "Drivers". For manual installation (if the auto-detection has failed) open the device manager and right click on the very device:
