Copyright 2025 - Laserworld Showcontroller - professional laser control software

0.7.a Static beams | Showcontroller Manual

Static beams are often used for targeting mirrors or grating effects, but also for creating highlight beam effects.

It's functionality is slightly different than in Showcontroller RealTime. The beam positions are specified in LIVE via beam table. Each of the 8 maximum possible scanners can be assigned up to 40 static beams with position and color.

The bream table dialog can be accessed vial "Edit" -> "Edit Beamtable"


First select the target scanner on the right side. Then select one of the 40 scenes. The current index is shown in the title bar. The position can then be adjusted in the "Adjust Target" area with left mouse button click and dragging.
Fine adjustment can be made with the arrows below the adjustment area. Right besides the fine adjustment arrows is the possibility to name the target and to select a specific color for the very target beam.

The beam that have been specified in the beam table can then be used as an effects event on the LIVE timeline.

Place a static beam event on the timeline:

7aeng 1

7aeng 2

The text behind "Target" specifies the World the scanner will be outputting this static beam to.

Double click the event:
7aeng 3

Specify target scanner, world name and color for the beam.

As soon as a scene contains a programmes static beam, it is market with a grey laser beam symbol (for safety reasons, so it's easier to identify these static beam scenes):

7aeng 4
