Copyright 2025 - Laserworld Showcontroller - professional laser control software

Showcontroller - professional laser show and multimedia control software

Showcontroller is a full-feature laser show and multimedia control software. It consists of the parts Live, RealTime, PicEdit, Tracer and SVG Converter.


Laser show creation made easy: No matter if a professional music synchronous timeline laser show is required or live laser show control to a DJ set - Showcontroller has all the necessary features to create overwhelming laser shows.

Showcontroller Live: Showcontroller Live allows for direct, live laser control. It comes with a large set of preset frames and animations and can be extended with own frames or animations, like patterns, logos, texts or other graphics. Many effects can be live applied to the patterns, e.g. color, speed, rotation, size, etc.. It is possible to live control the lasers only through computer, but also by using MIDI controllers or DMX consoles: The live laser control with Showcontroller is extremely versatile! 


- no forced updates
- no forced registration for software updates
- ILDA file standard compatibility

Rely on your software:
Showcontroller does not force you to update the software!

New features and fixes are released on a regular basis, but you are not forced to install an update, so you can decide when it's best to try new features.