Copyright 2025 - Laserworld Showcontroller - professional laser control software

4.4 Special features | Showcontroller Manual

Several special efefcts can be created via the menu "Transform". These can apply to whole or slectes objects, depending on their type.

Reduces an object to its corner points
.A square then becomes 4 beams, a circle becomes a point circle.

Select an object or a part of it and use this function to create a gradient.
Start and end color can be specified in the dialog box that opens.

Select an object or a part of it and use this function to create color accents at the active points of the objects.
The accent color can be specified in the dialog box that opens.

Places the active object in the center of the drawing area.

Scales the active object to the maximum possible size within the drawing area.

Mirrors a frame at the X and Y Axis.

Creates a color gradient in the order of the 64 color PAL pallette.

Creates additional support points between the selected points. The distance can be specified in the dialog box that opens.
